
The Dyers’ Company Charitable Trust produces a Trustees Annual Report October at the end of each financial year in October. This is published in March of the following year, please download the latest annual report Charitable Trust 2023 Accounts, and see a summary of our charitable giving in the graphs below.

Objectives and activities for the public benefit

The purpose of the Trust is to make grants to registered charities in support of a wide variety of charitable purposes. It does not support individuals directly. The Trustee confirms that it has referred to the Charity Commission’s guidance on public benefit when reviewing the Trust’s aims and objectives, in planning future activities, and in setting the grant making policy for the year.

The Trust furthers its charitable purposes for the public benefit through its grant making policy which aims to provide grants to charitable organisations involved in the areas of supporting young people, medical and social welfare together with organisations involved in their local community.

Grant making policy

The Trust has established its grant making policy to achieve its objects for the public benefit.

The Trust invites applications for support only from charitable organisations which have been recommended by members of the Dyers’ Company, and in many cases support is given on a regular basis. By focusing giving in such a way, applications are kept at a manageable level which helps to keep administration costs down, and the trust can monitor how the funding is used together with the impact it has on beneficiaries. In addition, having members’ involvement in the supported charities means they have an understanding of how the charities are organised which in turn saves staff time and hence administration costs of the Charitable Trust.